Carnival 2022 parade changes leave out Magazine Street, Thoth’s altruistic route

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Robert Morris, Uptown Messenger file photo

The Krewe of Thoth rolls on Magazine Street in 2020.

All Carnival krewes will see route changes for 2022 Mardi Gras, Mayor LaToya Cantrell announced Tuesday (Dec. 21).

The Magazine Street leg of many parade routes has been eliminated, she said at a press conference. Magazine Street — where neighbors gather for a more laid-back parade experience — is a favorite viewing spot for many Uptown residents.

The changes are necessary, officials said, because of staff shortages in the city’s public safety agencies, including the police, emergency medical and fire departments.

Parades that traditionally start on the river side of St. Charles Avenue will now start at Napoleon Avenue and Prytania Street. Parades that traditionally start on the lake side of St. Charles Avenue will start at Carondelet Street and Napoleon.

On Mardi Gras Day, Rex will start at Napoleon and Carondelet and then roll on its original route. The Zulu parade will begin on Jackson Avenue.

All krewes are asked to make sacrifices, Cantrell noted. Officials were able to accommodate most of the idiosyncratic routes of Zulu and Endymion, though both are taking a shorter path through the Central Business District.

One Uptown krewe with a famously idiosyncratic — and altruistic — route is the Krewe of Thoth, which presents a meandering daytime parade on the Sunday before Mardi Gras.

Thoth’s historic Uptown route was created to pass in front of 14 institutions, such as Children’s Hospital and the Lighthouse for the Blind, for people with disabilities and illnesses, people who are not able to experience Carnival parades on the streets and neutral grounds.

Penny Larsen, spokesperson for the Krewe of Thoth, issued the following statement on Tuesday:

“The Krewe of Thoth is very disappointed with the City of New Orleans that they would not give our route serious consideration since it passes Children’s Hospital and many Uptown facilities where we have brought a touch of Mardi Gras since 1947.

Thoth was never thought about in this decision as other Clubs were and it is a shame that these facilities and the people and businesses in Uptown New Orleans will suffer in this decision …”

4 thoughts on “Carnival 2022 parade changes leave out Magazine Street, Thoth’s altruistic route

  1. I live on Walnut and Magazine. My understanding is that they are going to tear up Magazine for at least 6 months. I thought it included magazine and Henry clay.
    It sounds extremely optimistic to think we’re going to have any kind of Mardi Gras.
    Enjoy Uptown Messenger.

  2. I don’t see why with as many military bases as we have we don’t inlist the army corps of engineers an our navy,army, marines, to see if any would volunteer to help with policing issues for Mardi gras.

  3. Can someone ask NOPD how many police are going to be needed the day before Thoth Parade, on Saturday the 26th there are, 3 different parade routes and 4 parades, in uptown, Algiers and downtown. So the 19 or so blocks that they are taking away from Thoth, requires more police officers to be posted on those blocks, as it does to post police officers on 3 parade routes, and even though Endymion doesn’t start till later then the other 3 parades, they have their walk to the floats, like a second line, that requires a police presence earlier in the day. So, the city is claiming they do not have the police for the extra blocks of Thoth parade, but i am sure it takes more officers the day before for those parades. So what’s the real reason, uptown is being effected like this.

  4. It is huge disappointment to the City of NOLA the changes made to these parade routes. I do not blame the police department or the mayors office for these changes! This is very unfortunate for everyone. The increase in crime is to blame, the violence, thugs, thieves and carjackings. The police can no longer effectively control the criminals, their hands are tied, and backs against the wall. The end to this violence starts with parenting at home, discipline in our schools, and a poactive community, if you see something, say something!

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