5 thoughts on “Viewpoint: Hurricane Ida exposes what it means to live in New Orleans

  1. Total banana republic for over 50 years. The graft has been “known” for at least that long with those “have nots” voting to continue the ridiculous slide toward oblivion.

  2. I still love New Orleans, despite all of her flaws. Let’s work for change—no, let’s insist—but let the demand for change come from a love of our city and its people.

  3. Remember the politicians who were arrested for taking community grant money ? That money was meant for the poorest citizens. Remember the politicians caught taking bribes? That money was meant to buy influence that should have been influenced only by what was best for our city. A friend who is a developer all over the country told me he will never do business in Louisiana again after seeing the corruption he has seen. Remember the levee inspectors who were supposed to be inspecting our preKatrina levees? But instead we’re going to lunch? The building inspection team that was making no inspections at all? People, it’s not the haves and have nots that is the problem!!! It’s that we have people in government, both elected and non-elected who are either corrupt, lacking in professional pride, incompetent or a mix of all of these things. A good government is good for ALL of us.

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