jewel bush: The family business — convicting Trayvon

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jewel bush

Less than a half hour after George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teenager in self-defense, his brother, Robert Zimmerman Jr. appeared live on CNN to begin damage control.

Robert has since been making the rounds in an aggressive, vigorous push to reassert his brother’s innocence and praise the American judicial system — all the while doing the proverbial happy dance on Trayvon’s grave.

The George Zimmerman “nana-nana boo boo” media tour, led by Robert, is in full throttle.

Robert’s interviews are packed with vitriol for Trayvon. He has accused the high school athlete, who was college bound, as being a drug dealer looking to purchase guns and cause trouble. Robert has also made a slew of other remarks that serve only to assassinate the child’s character: “I want to know what makes people angry enough to attack someone the way that Trayvon Martin did,” said Robert in Saturday’s interview on CNN.

Immediately following that statement, he commended his sibling for mentoring two black kids; a pathetic effort to absolve his brother from prejudicial motives in his stalking and killing of Trayvon on that rainy night in Sanford, Florida back in February 2012. The mention of his brother acting as a role model to black youth is akin to the trite line: “Some of my best friends are black.”

I caught Robert on the NPR program, “Tell Me More” a few days later. During his short time on-air, he accused the media of lightening pictures of Zimmerman to make him as white as possible in order to paint him as a white racist while being “polite” and portraying Trayvon — and other victims of color — in angelic manners.

Over and over again, Robert has insisted that race is and was not a factor here; yet, over and over again, he perpetuates negative stereotypes about black people and constantly introduces race into the conversation while antagonizing the black community by making statements such as: “How many people at the rallies have mentored African American children like George?”

While the world mourns the loss of Trayvon, yet another fatal illustration of racial profiling, and agonizes over the outcome of the murder trial, we are subjected to the Zimmerman family’s gloating via Robert’s on-air smugness and arrogance. Each hurtful comment he makes about Trayvon is like raiding the graves of Adolph Grimes III, Wendell Allen, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell and the many others who have been murdered due to racial profiling. Zimmerman, the wannabe cop, was acting in simpatico with rogue police officers, who have acted similarly, and like him, have beat criminal charges.

Robert, the family’s publicist, scolds the media for its coverage of the case and portrayal of Zimmerman, yet this beef doesn’t keep him away from the cameras. His persevering defense of Zimmerman surpasses brotherly love. Robert is nothing more than a media whore looking to make a name for himself, a vainglorious opportunist relishing in his newfound spot in the limelight. His Twitter timeline reads like a TV lineup with tweet after tweet promoting his numerous media appearances on just about every major news outlet.

Robert, do you have a book deal in the making? Do you plan to launch your career as an actor or are you prepping for your run on the speaker’s circuit? What other way do you plan to capitalize on this horrific slice of modern-day American history?

Apparently, his job is quite lucrative. As head of the GZ Defense Fund, Robert has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support Zimmerman’s life in hiding among other Zimmerman needs. In a post from June 5, the site had taken in $77,000 in one week alone. I can only imagine what the account has raked in post-acquittal from those who believe this verdict represents some perverse notion of justice.

The defense, jury, court, Zimmerman clan and other misguided souls can pretend the murder or the ruling, in fact, was not about the color of Trayvon’s skin. They can overlook Zimmerman’s audio mumbling “… they always get away.” They can disregard the 9-1-1 operator’s clear instructions for Zimmerman not to follow. But what can’t be ignored are the cries from the streets that beg us to ask: Why do black males have to behave in a way to minimize suspicion?

jewel bush, a New Orleans native, is a writer whose work has appeared in The (Houma) Courier, The Washington Post, The Times-Picayune, New Orleans Homes & Lifestyles Magazine, and El Tiempo, a bilingual Spanish newspaper. In 2010, she founded MelaNated Writers Collective, a multi-genre group for writers of color in New Orleans dedicated to cultivating the literary, artistic and professional growth of emerging writers. She is currently communications coordinator for Service Employees International Union Local 21LA. Her three favorite books are Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Catcher in the Rye, and Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.

45 thoughts on “jewel bush: The family business — convicting Trayvon

    • jewel: Thank you for writing this piece. The murder of Trayvon Martin was a horrible incident, one that has exposed the racial issues that still divide our country. As residents of a city where race is a major fact of life, we need to continue to discuss race and racism. Burying our heads in the sand will not do anything to move our community forward.

      As for the many comments that this article has provoked, they
      are far from surprising. Most commentators have recognized the value of openly discussing how racism continues to live and evolve amongst us. I would like to single out Craig for his insightful comments.

      Unfortunately there are a few commentators who continue to
      push back against any honest discussion of the problem of racism. They are also the most radical in their hatred for gun control. Uptown Rooster, Kurt Buchert, and Owen Courreges are only the most vocal of these wealthy white men who pretend that because they never experienced racism, it must not exist. And if you dare bring up the problem of race, they will call you a racist. It is a twisted worldview, but one that they are trapped in. I am not surprised to see a couple of these guys posting here in defense of a murderer they no doubt admire.

      BTW, I will note again that I am a white male. Of course, my views have led Owen Courreges to suggest that I am a self-hating white man. If his insults are the cost of promoting honest and open discussion about the problems of racism in this city, so be it.

      Thanks again jewel.

      • It appears ‘Yet Another Uptown Resident’ is as guilty of profiling as George Zimmerman is. I was just profiled as a “wealthy, white man.” I’m sorry to disappoint you ‘Yet Another’ but you’re very wrong. I’m by no means wealthy. In fact, I’m willing to bet I’ve lived closer to poverty than you ever have. Thank you though for your ignorant profiling; it serves as further proof that thinkers such as yourself and Jewel are incapable of a mature conversation.

        No where in my earlier post did I defend or admire George Zimmerman. I simply pointed out that if Jewel is truly looking for ‘justice,’ she need not look to a fight-gone-wrong between two foolish, violent men in an Orlando suburb. There are actual tragedies all around us.

        Jewel and many others seem to turn a blind eye to violence and ‘justice.’ How about the recent murder and dismemberment of 6-year old Ahlittia North in Harvey, LA? I want Jewel to acknowledge the true tragedies happening every day close to home.

        I also never discouraged a discussion on racism. Racism is alive and well, here in New Orleans, the US and the world. Yes, let’s talk about it but more importantly, let’s fix it. Jewel’s article isn’t a “honest discussion” on racism. It’s a petty observation and loaded with inflammatory stereotypes against anyone not of her skin color or ideology. With hostile, divisive attitudes like yours and Jewel’s, get ready for another century of racism and violence.

        • Not wealthy? I will have to take your word for it. In any case, wealthy was a poor choice of words. “Privileged” is far more accurate.

          “It appears ‘Yet Another Uptown Resident’ is as guilty of profiling as George Zimmerman is.”

          Oh, I forgot, you just compared me to a murderer. Congratulations, you are an idiot. Cannot say I am that surprised, this is the second time one of you yahoos have compared me to a murderer for calling you out on your BS. Y’all have some serious issues.

        • “is as guilty of profiling as George Zimmerman is.”

          It bears pointing out that the worst thing a white man endures when profiled, is the size of his pocketbook might get misjudged. A far cry from ending up dead in a stranger’s lawn and an entire police just assuming he had it coming.

      • Proving my point that leftists & the black community can openly be racist & profile people bc they are liberal or black so it’s ok. Hilarious. How do you know how much money someone has? What a joke.

          • One of the 99% of murders in our fair city committed by young black males. Are facts now racist? Your goal of silencing the truth will always fail. Nothing can be improved in this city or this country until people like you get out of the liberal racial grievance brainwashed world you inhabit. Problems can’t be solved w heads in the sand. I am proud to think the opposite of people like you.

  1. I have lived in New Orleans for decades and do not own a gun. During my time here thousands have been murdered and robbed. But I fear owning a gun more than this. I must be a fool, but I know if I bring a gun into my life bad things become more likely to occur. I wish George had never bought a gun. He would be safer today.

  2. One of the most ironic statements attributed to Robert Zimmerman was this: “… there are people that would want to take the law into their own hands or be vigilantes in some sense if they think that justice was not served…they will always present a threat to George and his family,”

    Interesting that the would-be vigilante who took the law into his own hand is now presumably afraid of vigilantes taking the law into their own hand.

  3. Interesting how Ms Bush only writes about her crusades against “racism” while she formed a writing group for “people of color.” Who knows if they exclude white people, but their description is certainly not inviting to an inspiring writer of European ancestry. Coincidentally w regards to the Zimmerman & Trayvon tragedy, she forgets to mention the media contortion & lies about the Zimmerman case (him being white, using a slur against Trayvon, ignoring Trayvon’s drug use, his thug tweets, Trayvon’s racial slur, his suspension from school, the use of pre-teen pics of him instead of the 6’2 man he was, Trayvon beating Zimmerman’s head into the concrete & his probably jumping of Zimmerman). None of that fits into the race obsessed world of Ms Bush & many on the left & in the black community. She also forgets to mention the 10,000 black on black murders per yr that are entirely self induced. I’m sure she would blame white people for that though. Also comical how one of her fans here chooses a Communist murderer as their profile pic. Not surprising in the least.

    • Maybe if you are interested in joining her writing group for “people of color” maybe you should just ask. Just like GZ should have been a responsible adult, neighborhood watch commander, and gun owner by asking and acknowledging to TM that he was there to help him, not hurt him. Therefore, since you are assuming she wouldn’t let you, you are no better than GZ who assumed TM was a thug. By the way, me comparing you to GZ is not suppose to be a compliment. I know GZ is your hero and you wish you could have been the one to pull that trigger…That was my way of assuming you are a racist evil person.

    • Wow, continuing the character assassination of a dead kid? How Christian of you. At least you wised up and hid your last name so that you can post your nonsense semi-anonymously. I can’t imagine Mr. Green Jeans would condone your online behavior.

      • It’s so un Christian to call for the truth instead of media distortion & lies. It’s so un Christian to call out a woman who makes her living on sowing racial division & neo segregation. It’s so un Christian to try to protect a second victim in this tragedy. Zimmerman’s name has already been lynched in the media & now people like you are calling for his actual lynching. So non-Christian of me to try to limit an utter tragedy to one victim. And for the record, trying to intimidate me doesn’t work. I don’t back down to anonymous cowards, nor give up my 1st amendment or 2nd amendment rights for anyone.

        • Well, Kurt Buchert, you again stick your foot in your mouth. You once accused me of “advocating murder” with a completely twisted interpretation of a comment I made about contraception and now you are accusing me of calling for Zimmerman’s lynching. Do you actually possess any reading comprehension? Or do you just continue to parrot every nonsensical tidbit you get spoonfed from Fox News? Your statements are an embarrassment to Christianity and humanity in general.

          • Your crew has already caused violence & it will probably end in a lynching of Mr Zimmerman all the while ignoring the mass tragedy black on black violence. Very hypocritical. You should feel very proud of yourself coward.

          • “My crew?” Let me explain something to your Fox-addled brain. Associating me with people who advocate violence just because I have a different view than you is about as accurate as me referring to bombers of abortion clinics as YOUR crew.

            And calling me a coward? When you yourself went and changed your username so your last name wasn’t displayed? That’s no different than having a first name up like me. Careful who you call a hypocrite.

            You came on this thread accusing others of name-calling yet that’s about all I’ve seen you engage in. Which is your second count of hypocrisy.

          • Nope. Never changed my name. And my face is on here. So obviously you are the coward. Who are you then if you aren’t a coward? How is it bigotry to say something is a tragedy but you agree w a jury’s verdict & disagree w the media & leftist lies towards this man Zimmerman who was defending himself? Only racists themselves see racism in everything so you show your own colors.

          • Smart comment. Obviously from your zygote comment, you are an atheist w zero morals so you aren’t able to differentiate the difference between an innocent baby & a man breaking someone’s nose & beating their head into concrete. Smart comparison. I love how brainwashed liberals also throw “fox” around. Is that supposed to be some sort of jab to someone? It’s obviously just liberals agreeing the mainstream media is so completely left wing that only 1 news network (a network i rarely watch) is somewhat different from your brainwashing.

    • It seems like you are find with getting information forced fed to you. Obviously you didn’t watch the trial because the medical examiner testified that TM was 5’11 and 158lbs. Not quite the 6’2″ you claim and hardly the weight of a strapping big dude. Sounds to me he was a long and lanky kids. In addition, yes, TM was suspended but for Tardiness (gasp! Call the cops a kid is often late for class). Wow he smoked weed, just like over 40% of kids today (and 50% of adults in this country want it legalized). Oh my, yes that boy deserved to get shot walking home because of all that weed he smoked. BTW, anyone knows that weed doesn’t make you crazy, if anything it chills you out. So your attempt to do what the Zimmerman’s are doing is a major FAIL. Trying to marry this tragedy to black on black crime is as well. These issues are apples and oranges. Both are horrid but stem from two totally different places. Obviously, you believe the only person with the right to stand their ground is GZ. Not a boy who was being followed by someone he didn’t know. I am happy you have shown your true self and hopefully the people of color who knows you can see this. You are a murder sympathizer and are racially insensitive. It is unfortunate but I rather know who someone is outright.

      • You conveniently left out the fact that TM was found w/ 12 pieces of women’s jewelry & a screwdriver in his school bag, was a drug user, he was the only one in this tragedy that used a racial slur, his tweets form the picture of thug life, did graffiti at school, posted a pic of him w/ a handgun in his hand next to marijuana, etc.. Are these reasons to be killed? Obviously not, but it paints a picture of someone that probably jumped GZ & pounded his head into the concrete & broke his nose (confirmed by the 2 witnesses)..reasons for GZ to be scared for your life. You show your true colors by blindly taking sides on race in spite of the facts while ignoring the black on black murder holocaust. I feel sorry for racists like you who see clearly through the lens of race instead of the facts…like the jury honestly did.

  4. Great post, Jewel. Thanks for shedding light on how the GZ family is working to assassinate the character of Trayvon Martin now that he is physically no longer with us.

  5. Thank you for this piece Jewel. KurtB, please educate yourself and take a Peoples Institute for Survival and Beyond training- or check into the many European decent anti-racist groups around the city. Help your damn fool self- you clearly have some scribbled notions. *smh*, i really wish folks were less stupid!

  6. Funny how you argue zero facts, call people names, & ignore the self-induced black male annual genocide in our city & throughout the nation. It’s not surprising. Blaming others for your problems is always easier I guess but goes nowhere. It’s always “racism” huh? You obviously have a lot of self hatred. It’s unhealthy. God Bless.

    • Your track record here of being “factual” while spouting your political ideology (albeit poorly) speaks for itself. As for your snide comments regarding “self induced” murder, perhaps you should consider that the only thing Trayvon did wrong was cross the path of a gun-toting vigilante. There was no gang involvement, no drug deal, nothing illegal whatsoever in Trayvon’s behavior. The murder rate in New Orleans, while inexcusable by any metric, are primarily gang/drug driven. To associate Trayvon with that simply because of the color of his skin is 1) offensive, 2) puts your racial prejudice on fine display, and 3) undermines any existing credibility regarding “facts” that you claim to have.

  7. There is irony everywhere in this case, including this writer complaining about others arguing the case in the media.

  8. White murders of black people are rare, and even if we accept that Zimmerman hated black people and improperly profiled Trayvon, that is on Zimmerman, not white people or society. He was not a policeman or an agent of the state. When police show prejudice and shoot black people for insufficient reasons, then we should be outraged. I think part of the reason many black people were originally galvanized by the case was the original failure of the police and local authorities to charge Zimmerman. That became moot when he was put on trial, but by then the media circus was in full glory and continues here.

  9. People, this was a tragedy for all. This behavior is disgusting and I believe that is the point of the post. Focus!

    “Robert is nothing more than a media whore looking to make a name for
    himself, a vainglorious opportunist relishing in his newfound spot in
    the limelight. His Twitter timeline reads like a TV lineup with tweet
    after tweet promoting his numerous media appearances on just about every
    major news outlet.” This man should shut up and show some respect for the Martin family, their lives will never be the same.

  10. 1) The 911 operator’s suggestion was just that, it was not legally binding.
    2) Following someone and asking them what they are doing is not illegal.
    3) Just because someone follows you and asks you what you’re doing (or curses you out, calls you racists slurs, does ANYthing solely with their voice) does NOT give you the right to attack them.
    4) If you are being attacked, you have the right to defend your life.
    5) It is innocent until proven guilty, based on the known facts and evidence, not opinion and assumption. You must prove guilt BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

    I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what I’ve said to you. If you break my nose by punching me in the nose, and then jump on top of me and start repeatedly slamming my head into concrete with no sign of stopping… and I have a gun, I will shoot to stop having my skull shattered on the sidewalk. Call me crazy.

    If you are saying you would just lie there and take the beating because “you asked for it because you followed them,” you are a liar.

    • LGDSaintsFan – Why are you giving Zimmerman’s version of what happened as the gospel truth. The man lied repeatedly to officers. You only have Zimmerman’s word to believe that Trayvon punched him, and got on top of him and slammed his head into the concrete. You and I both know those cuts (that didn’t require ONE STITCH) are not concrete slamming injuries. His head would have been swollen beyond recognition with one hard slam.

      LIES Zimmerman TOLD:

      Police:Do you have a clean record? Zimmerman said yes, but had two convictions, 1 for VIOLENTLY resisting arrest and 1 for criminal stalking.

      Police: Have you ever heard of Stand Your Ground Law? Zimmerman said No, he never heard of it, when in reality he took a class in it and received an “A”

      Judge: How much money do you have?

      Zimmerman said he had no money but secretly stashed away $134,000 and lied to the judge about. He and his wife are facing perjury charges.

      He told Police that Trayvon grabbed his gun.
      FACT) There was no DNA on the gun except for Zimmerman’s.

      He told police that Trayvon put his hand over his mouth. If he did there would be blood on his hands.
      FACT) None of Zimmerman’s DNA was on Trayvon’s hands.

      Why would you accept his account as a credible one, when he’s proven himself a liar?

      Also, why is Zimmerman yelling for help if he has a gun. Who is he yelling to? Who is coming to save you while you know you have a loaded gun with a round in the chamber? Your help is in your waistband. There were 4 cries for help, in a row. How can you scream for help if Trayvon is supposedly covering your mouth?

      I hope @disqus_q6WwfIE8KX:disqus is listening also. Please refute this evidence if you can. Your whole story is based on Zimmerman’s version of the events. You are assuming that he is right because it fits in with what you already believe.

      • Thank you David, very well written. God knows what will happen to Zimmerman and Trayvon is watching. This young man is no longer here and a killer was set loose. I am sure the jurors are regretting their decision but this is something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

    • Had your head actually been “repeatedly slammed into concrete” I suspect you’d have actually seen a doctor. Zimmerman didn’t.

  11. Yeah, but what about all the 1,000’s of black on white crimes that happen in this city each year? Where’s the outrage? Where’s are marches? Where’s jessie and al?

    • How many of those “black on white crimes” involve the death of the victim? No, really. How about a number? And of that number, how many of those do the police choose not to investigate and make an arrest as they did initially in the Zimmerman case? How many times You’re not comparing apples to apples.

  12. Thanks for fanning the flames of racial hatred Jewel. We really needed that. I know that you feel the way you feel but couldn’t you just keep it to yourself. Somebody is going to do something violent as a result of your self indulgence and that will be on your shoulders.

  13. Jewel – are you really interested in ‘justice’ or just a trial verdict of your choosing?

    It’s troubling to see such a demand for ‘justice’ in this city all of a sudden. Where was Jewel’s demand for ‘justice’ from our local judicial system when Akein Scott, a “career criminal” was released on $15,000 bond, only to shoot at a crowded Mother’s Day Second Line?

    Where was Jewel’s demand for ‘justice’ when 31-year old Milton Bangham, another career criminal with over ten felony arrests, shot and killed a 14-year old boy over a frozen cup?

    You don’t have to look all the way to Sanford, FL for a tragedy involving a young life cut short. They’re everywhere in New Orleans. Both Travyon Martin and George Zimmerman were violent men with a history of poor decision making; their incident in 2012 doesn’t qualify as a tragedy in my book. What’s a tragedy in my book? Let’s start with the murder of 25-year old Ashley Qualls by three men on bikes last week as she walked home from her job. She recently graduated with a Masters Degree from Tulane in Sociology and came to New Orleans to make a difference.

    Jewel isn’t interested in ‘justice.’ If she truly wanted justice and peace in our own city, she would use her weekly opinion for something more constructive than this petty, hateful excuse for journalism. Maybe she should add all the local press articles on our 80 murders this year in New Orleans to her summer reading list.

  14. Paw Paw gave me my first gun in the crib. I was taught that you don’t play in peoples bushes or you might get shot, fight with someone and you might get shot. Respect others sovereignty or you might get shot.

    I think if the cops had shot Trayvon this would have never made news because the people behind this lynching are scared of the fraternity of the badge.

    Where is the outrage for all the innocent women and children getting killed by our bombs overseas? Have we become a country of sheep being led by a bunch of self depreciating and falsely moralistic spoiled journalist who seek only to manipulate us by our prejudices for their own aggrandizement?

  15. “Robert is nothing more than a media whore looking to make a name for himself, a vainglorious opportunist relishing in his newfound spot in the limelight.” So much Yes. So sick of his face/voice.

  16. “Over and over again, Robert has insisted that race is and was not a factor here; yet, over and over again, he perpetuates negative stereotypes about black people and constantly introduces race into the conversation while antagonizing the black community by making statements such as: “How many people at the rallies have mentored African American children like George?””

    I get the emotion of this trial but I think this shows perhaps a loss of well balance. I am not sure how that is a negative sterotyoe about the black community. If it is then we get rid of all the programs and ads asking people to take time out mentor kids and that includes a great number of African Americans kids. Or are we just allowed to suspend reality.

    People are sort of invested in a image of Zimmerman ( see my earlier post refuting the wanabee cop image via the 911 calls and other matters ) and I get how perhaps it’s just easy keeping repeating what we heard and ignoring certain evidence.

    I don’t know exactly what happened that night but it would not shock me that neither men that night were perfect in their reactions.

    The Zimmermans have always said that he acted in self defense. Thus yes they are going to back down on that claim. That is not really that shocking. Espcially when people continue to portray Martin as Innocent as a new born babe and Zimmerman as some monster.

    That is not going to change I suspect while people on both sides of this case try to make this trial a vehicle for social issues that it was never intended to be , and with such lousy evidence is a incredible bad device to drive those issues

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