Danae Columbus: How does selectively inviting candidates to mayoral forums help New Orleans?

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Danae Columbus

Danae Columbus, opinion columnist

Indivisible New Orleans, a group of about 150 New Orleans voters aligned with the national “Indivisible” movement that sprung up to oppose President Trump’s agenda, are holding the first mayoral candidate forum of this campaign season Saturday morning at the Unitarian Universalist Church in uptown New Orleans.

Candidates LaToya Cantrell, Michael Bagneris and Desiree Charbonnet were invited. All three initially confirmed their participation. Charbonnet recently notified INO of a previously scheduled out of town trip to Washington, D.C. and will not be attending.

When a friend of declared mayoral candidate Frank Scurlock asked via Instagram if Scurlock could participate, the organization responded, “We do not intend to include him on the panel. We are a progressive group.”

INO leader Joyce Vansean told me yesterday that the event was created to give their members a chance to engage with progressive candidates before the filing deadline and they never intended to present every candidate to the public. She further said that Scurlock’s “specific campaign and public statements are not in line with our values.” The organization posted a similar yet more detailed response on their Facebook page last night.

We decided to host this event to give our members, members of other progressive groups, and the public a chance to engage with progressive candidates. It is before the filing deadline, therefore was never intended to be an event that presented every single candidate to the public. It is also not a debate- rather it is a deep-dive conversation about issues that are relevant to our members. We wanted to offer a space for members to get engaged and invested in the local political process before the campaigns went into full swing.

It was our decision that we wanted fewer candidates, and more time to hear from each, rather than more candidates, less time. We also selected candidates who we believed share our progressive values. We were in touch with candidates from two other campaigns that we are definitely going to follow. We wish them the best, think they have some great ideas, and can’t wait to see what they do. If we host additional forums before the election, they will be included in those if our members would like to hear from them.

Either way, INO determined that they did not want to hear what Scurlock – a registered Democrat – had to say on his major issues – affordable housing, crime prevention and education spelled out on his CBD billboard. These are probably the same issues the other candidates consider crucial to New Orleans future.

Reached by text in Singapore where he is attending an international amusement parks convention, Scurlock said he believes INO’s decision was “all racial.”

With the senseless shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise and the ongoing discontent in Washington, national leaders are calling for citizens with different political opinions to come together and focus on the big picture rather than the smaller issues that divide. By doing so, more brains and more opinions can connect. A better-informed perspective then leads to creative problem solving. Perhaps INO should adopt that same philosophy.


When the next New Orleans mayor and city council are elected this fall, should they have to wait until six months to take office or should they be able to actually begin working in January 2018?

Nola Smarter Inauguration is coordinating a petition drive which would place a charter change amendment on the fall ballot to move the inauguration for mayor and council from May 2018 to January 2018. If approved, Landrieu and the current council would effectively lose several months from their current terms. Without the amendment, the next mayor and council would lose six months from their term.

In an effort to increase voter participation, the League of Women Voters lobbied many years to change Louisiana law which moved New Orleans elections away from the Mardi Gras-Sugar Bowl – Super Bowl season to the fall calendar.

The new law was scheduled to take effect for the 2017 elections. But Mayor Landrieu wanted to postpone implementation and maintain the opportunity to lead the city’s Tri-centennial celebration. In addition, delaying implementation would allow the mayor to accumulate a larger pension, appoint more individuals to boards and commissions and give out more contracts, according to petition organizers.

They say “time is running out” for 10,000 registered voters to sign the petitions and have set a June 19 deadline. Petitions are available at Parlay’s, 837 Harrison Avenue; Sterling Framing, 3440 Magazine Street; and Moldaners Digital Imaging, 3801 Canal Street. For more information, email nolasmarterinaguration@gmail.com or visit their website: NolaSmarterInauguration.org

[Clarification: An earlier version of this column included a comment from the petition website attributed to state Sen. J.P. Morrell. On Friday morning, Morrell disavowed the group, saying that if he has made any reference to the inauguration, it was prior to the existence of the petition, and “I have no position on this referendum whatsoever.”]


Organizers of a cultural exchange that will bring New Orleans artists and musicians including well-known New Orleans singer Wanda Rouzan to perform at the annual International Caribbean Festival in Santiago Cuba in early July, 2017, are seeking donations to increase the number of musicians who will attend.

The International Caribbean Festival, also known as the Festival of Fire, is akin to the New Orleans Jazz Fest and draws 200,000 attendees from across the Central and South America for ten days of performances, good food, and educational seminars. Because of previous travel restrictions, U.S. participation has always been limited. Now festival organizers have invited artists and musicians from New Orleans to perform this year and be the focus of the 2018 festival.

“Several members of the New Orleans City Council are providing funds through the Harrah’s grant program,” said organizer Pat Bryant. “We have also raised some funds privately and are applying to the State Office of Tourism’s Music Ambassadors program to pay Ms. Rouzan’s expenses. We still need additional money to bring musicians to accompany Ms. Rouzan.”

Greer Goff Mendy and her dancers from The Tekrema Center for the Arts & Culture will also be performing in Santiago. The Tekrema Center is excepting donations to pay for musicians to accompany Rouzan. Checks- tax deductible – should be made payable to the Tekrema Center and mailed to Mendy at 1515 S. Salcedo Street, Ste 214, New Orleans, Louisiana 70125.


Last night the Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee unanimously passed a resolution urging local, state and federal elected and appointed officials to support global effort to combat climate change, build a clean energy economy and secure environmental justice. The resolution was initiated by lawyer Aylin Maklansky who is considering a campaign for New Orleans City Council District A. Maklansky hopes to make a decision on whether to enter the race next week. Attorney Joe Giarrusso III has already kicked off his campaign for the open seat.

Danae Columbus, who has had a 30-year career in politics and public relations, offers her opinions on Thursdays. Her career includes stints at City Hall, the Dock Board and the Orleans Parish School Board and work for City Council members Stacy Head and Jared Brossett, Foster Campbell, Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne, former Sheriff Charles Foti and former Councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell. Her current clients include District B City Council candidate Seth Bloom.

12 thoughts on “Danae Columbus: How does selectively inviting candidates to mayoral forums help New Orleans?

  1. I hate the multi candidate forums. I think we should have a series of varied one on one confrontations leading to playoffs

  2. My thoughts on attending a candidates’ forum is that I’d like to hear from candidates I’m already interested in, and the fewer the better no matter who they are. I’ve been to forums with too many speakers, and they either drag on with people leaving, or none has time to speak effectively. If INO chooses to offer a small forum, then that’s their offering. Other groups will give more opportunities to speak.

    I think linking an event like this, and the exclusion of some candidates, to the problems of violence and lack of bi-partisanship in our society is a real stretch.

    Finally, I can’t believe Mr. Scurlock charged that the decision to not ask him was “all racist.” Everything I’ve ever heard about INO and its members leads me to believe otherwise. What a provocative and unfounded thing to say.

    • How could a Republican ever stand a chance, if even a less radical Democrat like Spurlock is openly excluded from a major forum? This forum will simply be a competition to see who is more leftist. Democrats do not tolerate opposing viewpoints, period, which is why they tore down our monuments, shot Scalise, and are responsible for a million other terrible crimes against people who don’t think like them (aside from normal non-ideologically motivated crime, which they are also largely responsible for).

      His quote was “all racial” and if three white candidates were invited with zero black candidates, Democrats would look up at the sky and whine and howl about racism. This Democrat is being blacklisted because he dared to oppose the destruction of the statues.

      If INO is free to hold this radical leftist forum because they are a private group, fine, but there will mysteriously be no conservative or even centrist private forum. 15% of New Orleanians voted for Trump. I guess this is the only “minority” which Democrats don’t accept.

  3. #bruskifornola I gave an interview to one of the members which said that they liked my platform, but I was denied an opportunity to attend per their board. They wished me luck.
    One of their points was winnability. My reply is if I can’t get any press or media coverage (Owen mentioned me in the April 12th edition) with a likeable platform how can I win? I sent press releases, tagged myself on all media sites, and tried to get into townhalls meetings with no response, so how can I get my likeable platform out to the public. There is another town hall June 27th with only 3 candidates invited too. It seems to me the media has chosen their top 3.
    I have been asked today to speak on the 25th to the Young Leadership.

  4. Scurlock is a clown and a provacateur. We have learned what indulging someone like that leads to so I’m all Indivisble not including him. I’m starting to see this column in a negative light as well; it’s where overprivileged white grievances go for a sympathetic hearing. Ugh.

  5. Being a registered Democrat does not make Mr. Scurlock a progressive candidate, as Indivisible points out. His knee-jerk “racism” reaction underlines this pretty well.

    This seems like a reflection of the larger divide between establishment Democrats and liberal progressives. It also seems odd for Ms. Columbus to complain about this gathering. It’s very normal for local political groups to invite candidates to come address them, both privately and publicly, and for the groups to make rules governing the interaction– such as excluding smaller candidates, which Scurlock seems to be. This is not going to be the ONLY mayoral forum by a long shot.

  6. I find it amusing that Columbus is going to claim the reverse racism card here. Let us not forget why she was fired from the city council, I’m sure that’s just reverse racism in her eyes.
    The uptown messenger’s flawed messenger aside, Scurlock is a self-aggrandizing, literal clown who shouldn’t be taken seriously in the mayoral election. I find it funny that this website would continue to cover him, more so than any other candidate, despite the fact that he’ll garner a couple hundred votes if he’s lucky. The coverage really questions whatever integrity the um claims to have.

  7. Senator Morrell’s quote is not about his support for our group’s petition. His quote is a from a quote he made to Nola.com in 2016 on his position on the legislation to create an extra four month delayed Inauguration back in 2016. Here is the link: http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/04/mayor_landrieus_election_date.html
    Here on You Tube, in May 2017 in the Louisiana Senate Hearing, Senator Morrell states his preference was to fix it All (the election & Inauguration) at one time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1DMEmx-EYY

  8. Last year Senator Morrell is quoted as: “”I don’t know if the public is aware or would be OK with a (newly elected) mayor and a council hanging out for six months,” Morrell said. “It’s a logistical nightmare.”” That quote is on our web site and it should be noted he did not dispute making it.
    We have not asked for his support on the petition as we know his close relationship to Mayor Landrieu.
    However his 2016 quote best explains the Inauguration situation in few words, and it would not be proper to site him as the source of the words.
    Next year’s situation is a “logistical nightmare” for the mayor-elect.

  9. In 2016, Senator Morrell did make a “reference” to the Inauguration delay in the Mayoral Inauguration calling it “a Logistical Nightmare.” That is the best way to describe the delay and how it is portrayed on the Web site. …. No one at http://www.Nola Smarter Inauguration.org asked him for support on this petition, which was launched last week. Rather we believe his actions in support of Mayor Landrieu in the legislature contributed to the problem. If the Legislature did not allow the City of New Orleans to move up the election in 2017, then the gap would not have happened.

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