Broadmoor to detail plans neighborhood anti-crime cameras

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The Broadmoor Improvement Association will present its plans for a network of surveillance cameras to aid police in making arrests and prevent crime at a meeting tonight.

For details on the meeting, see the following announcement by association member David Winkler-Schmidt:

As evidenced by recent news stories, crime cameras capture the act and that can lead to arrests and convictions. The BIA Crime Watch committee has been working on its own crime camera project and plans to unveil it at Monday’s General Meeting (7pm, May 20 at Wilson School, 3617 General Pershing Street).

BIA commissioner and committee chair, Jeff Gardner, says that residents should consider buying their own camera(s) because the cameras are a one-time cost, considerably increasing home security and peace of mind. Gardner speaks from experience–a thief recently stole a headlamp from a car parked in his driveway–and there have been at least three other incidents near Gardner’s South Prieur Street home in the past three months.

“I’m having my own system installed next week,” Gardner says. “The more cameras that we get in Broadmoor, the more eyes on crime.”

Gardner’s committee has been collaborating with Project NOLA, and the two organizations hope to have 100 crime cameras installed in Broadmoor by year’s end.

In addition to the neighborhood initiative, the South Broad Business Coalition and Green Coast Enterprises have also been trying to get cameras in the neighborhood’s commercial corridor. District B Councilwoman LaToya Cantrell has pledged $5,000 in grant money for cameras to be installed in the Washington Ave and Broad Street corridor, which has been the scene of three murders in the past two years.

The board of commissioners recently approved its 2013 budget and will discuss the budget at the meeting. Additionally, the Broadmoor Development Corporation will make a presentation and there will be some guest presenters as well.

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