Danae Columbus: More strides toward full equality must be made, church leader says

Although significant civil rights progress has occurred since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel 50 years ago this week, national and local church leaders – including Rev. Kevin U. Stephens, Sr., M.D., J.D., former director of the New Orleans Health Department and current pastor of Christian Unity Baptist Church – believe that much work remains unfinished.

‘I can see a tremendous difference in the lives of African-Americans here in New Orleans in the delivery of quality health care, better schools, higher paying jobs, and the election of African-American officials including mayors and members of the City Council,” said Stephens who became pastor at Christian Unity in 2017. Stephens says the struggle for equality and economic equity began with Cain and Abel – the first two sons of Adam and Eve – and will continue.